Starting the Conversation

It is normal to be unsure of how to discuss topics like hospice care and advanced care planning. Assured Hospice has helped many patients and their families have these conversations with honesty and care. We’ve seen that time and again the peace-of-mind that comes when patient’s and their families can reach a place of better understanding, clarity and emotional readiness. In addition, we can assist with addressing all misconceptions about hospice and when the right time for it will be.
If your loved one has voiced concerns about repeated hospitalization or has said that they do not want to go back and forth to the hospital any longer, it might be time to call hospice to keep them comfortable in their own home setting wherever that might be.
Hospice care is for people who can no longer benefit from regular medical treatment and are likely in their final months of life. Goal of hospice care is to provide comfort, palliative care for terminally ill individuals while allowing them as well as their families to focus on their personal and spiritual needs as they prepare for the end of life.