Eat Better to Live Better Post author:assuredcare Post published:May 12, 2021 Post category:Homecare Every time you open the computer, it seems like there are a million new ways that you should be taking care of yourself. There are gym memberships, mindful classes, new age yoga, homeopathic remedies and so many different ways to be healthy and to spend to your money. Nevertheless, as these fads come and go, there is always one constant: change your diet, change your life. As a lover of food, this is one of the hardest rules to live by. No one prefers a salad with balsamic to a creamy ranch. No one would rather have a bland salmon vs. a steak (allergies and veganism aside). However, when you think about the look on your grandchild’s face as they talk about the grandparent that they used to have, then a few dietary changes don’t seem so bad. Here’s a few easy tips to prolong your life: Limit your liquid calories: Plainly said, soda sucks. There is no nutritional value in diet soda and the wasted calories in regular soda just isn’t worth it. Sure, it might quench your thirst, but it won’t hydrate you or do anything to help you in the long run. If you are craving that flavor or that carbonation, try a flavored water. Be smart about carbs: Eliminating carbs all together is near impossible and for carb lovers, even if you get off the bandwagon, it’s only a matter of time before you get back on. So, if you are going to eat carbs, just be smart about it. Try swapping out white bread for the wheat bread. Eat Organic: Okay, so it’s a little bit more money. However, you are still eating the same foods you would otherwise be eating, but you won’t be ingesting chemicals and pesticides that your body doesn’t need and organic foods can prevent cancer. You don’t have to starve yourself: Eating healthy doesn’t mean eating hungry. Snack, eat, snack some more. Just snack on the right foods. Grab some sweet blackberries or an orange or google why eating an avocado a day can keep the doctor away. Wait ten minutes before getting seconds: There are so many times you go back for seconds and keep on eating, because your body hasn’t had time to process that it’s full. If you wait after you eat, you will find that your body doesn’t actually want the extra food, it just needed a minute to catch up. You only get one life to live and those around you only get one life to share with you. So eat smarter to live longer, because as long as any of us live, there will only ever be one you. Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window You Might Also Like Why Is Home Health Care Beneficial? March 24, 2023 What is Anodyne Therapy May 12, 2021 Home Health Care Is A Move In The Right Direction November 2, 2023